
9 Reasons to Hire a Professional Piano Mover

Moving a piano isn’t easy. Besides moving a house, it’s probably the toughest moving job there is. Pianos are heavy, costly, and cumbersome. They can also be quite fragile. Adorned with intricate woodwork and containing delicate internal mechanisms, a piano needs to be moved with care and caution—and with the skill of a specialist.

Hiring a professional piano mover is essential if you want the job done right. Sure, you could do it yourself. Sure, you could hire a regular moving company. You could. But is it worth the risk?

We say no. The fact is: When moving a piano, you need a professional piano moving company. Don’t settle for any old moving company. You need a specialist with plenty of piano-moving experience. Why? Here are 9 reasons to hire a professional piano mover.

1. Pianos Are Heavy

Pianos can weigh anywhere from 400 to over 1000 pounds. For comparison’s sake, your average refrigerator tops out at just 300 lbs, give or take. Pianos are one of the heaviest pieces of furniture a person can have, making it extremely difficult for someone to move on their own. Even upright pianos—which are typically smaller than horizontal pianos—can weigh as much as 800 pounds. If you think you can lift your piano out of your house with a couple of friends, think again.

2. Pianos Are Bulky

The problem with pianos isn’t just the weight. It’s also the size. Tall, wide, and often oblong, they’re a nightmare to move if you don’t know what you’re doing. Worse still if you have to pass through tight, confined spaces like hallways or staircases.

A professional piano mover will have the tools and equipment to move pianos through such spaces safely. At Inner City Moving & Storage, we use a range of safety equipment to move all types of pianos. For upright pianos, we use a piano dolly to secure the piano and load it up safely toward its destination. For grand and baby grand pianos, we use a piano skid board and thick coverings to keep your most prized possession safe. By using professional harnesses and safety equipment, we’re able to move every piano without the risk of damage—even if it’s through a tightly confined space.

3. Pianos Are Costly

A piano is one of the most valuable pieces of furniture you can own. They don’t come cheap. Even an upright piano can cost upwards of several thousand dollars—and a baby grand can be triple that.

Hiring a professional moving company will help you protect that costly investment. Why risk damaging your piano when you can spend a little bit more to keep it safe and secure? Your future self will thank you.

4. Less Stress, Fewer Risks

Moving’s stressful enough, even without a piano in the mix. Hiring a professional can make the whole job easier. It can ensure your items are protected and that the move will go smoothly, giving you the complete peace of mind you want.

Here at Inner City Moving & Storage, we work closely with our clients to make their moves as stress-free as possible. We follow rigorous safety protocols to mitigate risk and manage the job with ease and efficiency. We practice particular caution with pianos, making sure we transport them with the utmost caution. Consistently, our clients mention how our safety standards make them feel more comfortable and less stressed. It’s just that extra level of care and concern that makes a professional piano moving company such a worthwhile investment.

5. Prevents Damage

Hiring a professional piano mover can prevent your piano from being damaged. Using all the tools and safety equipment at their disposal, piano movers can get a piano out of tight spots without scratching or denting it.

Pianos may be sturdy, but as acoustic instruments, they are susceptible to damage—particular so from impact trauma. Don’t let a bad bump ruin your piano. Keep it safe and secure with a pro piano mover.

6. Prevents Injuries

Damaging an object is one thing, but injuring someone is something else. Unfortunately, piano-moving injuries are more common than you’d think. An untrained mover can easily strain their back and sustain a long-term injury. If the piano has to go down four or more steps, the risks only multiply. For everyone’s safety, it’s best to leave it to the professionals—especially when stairs are involved.

7. Protected by Insurance

One of the best reasons to hire a professional moving company is because they’re insured. Piano moving companies will have insurance specifically to cover piano damage, ensuring that—worst-case scenario—you receive the compensation you deserve.

If you move a piano yourself, you’re liable for any damage inflicted. A professional company can give you an extra layer of protection so you don’t have to worry. You can feel at ease knowing your piano is in safe hands and covered by insurance.

8. Saves Time

Let’s face it. Moving is a time-consuming chore that no one ever has enough to do on their own without feeling stressed. Hiring a professional moving company can save you time so you can get on with your busy schedule and that’s even more true when you add a piano to the mix. Rather than spending hours finding a dolly, buying piano covers, fastening the piano, and taking countless measurements, you can hire someone else to do it for you. You can kick back, relax, and enjoy more time doing the things that really matter.

Looking for a Professional Piano Mover? Inner City Moving & Storage Has You Covered

Inner City Moving & Storage is a professional moving company that specializes in piano moving. Serving the Greater Toronto area for over 25 years, we’ve made a name as a trusted team of movers committed to customer satisfaction. If you’re in the Toronto area and you need to move a piano, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to see what we can do for you. Request a quote, or call us at 647-308-0695 today to schedule a consultation.


Remote Working and Home Design

“I love lockdown,” said no one ever, especially those living with young children and working in an open plan home.

The pandemic has shown many that living with a main floor with few separating walls between living room, dining room, kitchen, and office can make working from home a nightmare. The designers of the open plan never had to work while homeschooling their children. With the open plan design, the steady whir of the dishwasher mixed with the crinkling sounds of kids opening packages for snacks in the background ruin your concentration. And as you try to look calm on Zoom while making furtive hand gestures to quieten the kids and spouse, you can count on your dog to start barking just when you’ve unmuted to give your input on an important project.

Pandemic Changes Working Habitats

According to designers, the open-plan home is one of the trends that is making its way out. Around forty-two percent of Canadians are working from home due to the lockdown and it is likely that the remote working will continue long after the pandemic is a distant memory. When surveyed, Global News reported that eighty-six percent of respondents said they were getting used to working from home and liked it. Thirty-six percent also said, if they were ordered back to the office, they would look for another job. Thus, as we are living through the impracticality of open-plan floor plans, future home interior designs are likely to include some versions of privacy.

Forbes online magazine quoted a designer who remarked that closed layouts will become the standard. “It’s just because people want that privacy, they want that little bit of separation. And sometimes it’s good to have a door that you can close. Whether it’s for containing a mess or just giving yourself that physical and audio separation from other things that are going on in your home.”

Your Home Office

While, a carefully placed bookshelf can define your office space, it does not prevent your children from wandering over to ask you for a snack. You may also need to add strictly enforced rules with the family to prevent constant interruptions that can reduce your focus and productivity. Future designs will see a return of room dividers and walls and doors, if only to give remote workers the audio separation necessary for a peaceful boundary between work and home. Having a home office with a door is often a good way to lock away the workday as so many report that they work more hours when working from home than they logged when they worked in a corporate space. So, although the daily commute is gone, those hours are replaced by a longer working day and the design of your home may be at fault.

The Importance of Doors

And isn’t it distracting to be able to see the dishes in the sink or other little messes while you are trying to work? One client we moved from a modern apartment in Toronto to a larger country home ninety minutes away described the number of doors in his new home with the same type of pleasure I use when describing a medium-rare, juicy steak! The pandemic is causing changes to the way we live and work. It is no surprise that these are leading to changes in the way we use our space.

The Hassle-Free Move

Looking for a new place? Don’t forget to get a quote and book a move with Toronto’s best movers: trust the professionals at Inner City Moving & Storage. Telephone 416 656-8924 or email us at


Moving is a good time to spark joy!

We all have things we no longer need – or things we purchased that we never really needed in the first place. The time before a move is an excellent opportunity to look around and decide what you would like to keep and what is just excess baggage. Think about it: through decluttering you will end up with less to clean, items you can sell, less things to pack for the move, a quicker unpack when you get to your new house, and according to many professional organizers—more joy.

Too much junk!

%COMPANY%'s Moving is a Good Time to Spark Joy! Cleaning

For example, how many food storage containers do you have in your cupboards? How many of these have lids? Do you also have clothing that no longer fits or clothing too unfashionable for you to ever wear again? Shoes you haven’t worn for years, tax files dating back to the mid-80s, a broken food processor and its useless accessories? Maybe you have an old computer you meant to sell via Kijiji or eBay or a chair that you’d planned to get re-upholstered one day? It is probably about now that you are realizing that the great deal from the garage sale may not have been worth the $5. It is going to costs so much more in time or money to dispose. And—what about those boxes that were never unpacked after your last move?

Don’t worry. This is a common first world problem with a long history. The following quote is from 1928:

“We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.”

A study reported in the LA Times newspaper found that there are 300,000 items in the average American home. Imagine that—THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND THINGS! No one has bothered to count the number of things in Canadian homes, but I doubt there would be much difference if they did.

Because we have so many things, it’s not surprising it’s hard to keep track of the items we actually need amongst all that stuff. A UK newspaper, The Daily Mail, reported that over the course of our lifetime, we will spend a total of 3,680 hours or 153 days searching for misplaced items. The research found we lose up to nine items every day—or 198,743 things in a lifetime. Phones, keys, sunglasses, and paperwork top the list.

Declutter for Peace of Mind

And we move this stuff from apartment to apartment, house to house. But this time – decide not to do it! Why lug around boxes of material that clutter your house AND cost you extra money in moving costs to transport?

So before you move, take an inventory of your possessions. An inventory is a great tool for many reasons. It will make it obvious where you have duplications (like the old sofa that is covered with a blanket in your basement) plus it will be helpful for insuring your belongings. There are many apps that can help with this. To find some, click here. You’ll also find that spreadsheets, like Microsoft Excel and Numbers for the Apple crowd, include templates that will also help you log what you own.

Maybe it’s time to have a garage sale or just donate items that you don’t use to Value Village or to a charity. Someone else just might have use for your complete Seinfeld TV Series CD set now that you’ve memorized every scene. Recycle or sell whatever you can.

A decluttered place will bring you peace of mind, and it will be like a fresh start in your new home. Wouldn’t you love to have a place for everything that you need and use so that once you use something you can put it back in its own special place?

But Where Do You Start?

One of the hottest organizational experts right now is Japan’s Marie Kondo, whose 2014 book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizingled to a whole lifestyle of sparking joy through clearing up, has trained many professional organizers who can help you if you feel stuck. Should you want a referral to such an organizer, be sure to contact me. Kondo suggests, in her videos and through courses on her website that you declutter in this order.

  1. Clothing
  2. Books
  3. Documents
  4. Miscellaneous Items, including mementos

She also suggests you say “thank you” to each item as you send them on to their new home.

So first … STOP SHOPPING! If you are going to bring something new into your home, really question whether it will just be another thing to throw out in a couple of weeks or months or the next time you move.

And keep your receipts so you can take things back.

For more tips on decluttering and moving, please email your ICM professional mover at or telephone number 647-308-0695. Please subscribe to our quarterly newsletter where we regularly provide tips on packing, moving day, and beyond.

%COMPANY%'s Moving is a Good Time to Spark Joy! Woman


Packing Supplies: 10 Essentials for a Stress-Free Move

Not sure what you need for your move? Don’t worry—we have you covered. We’ve prepared this list of essential packing supplies to make moving a little easier. Learn what tools you need to get the job done quickly and efficiently, so you can turn the page and move onto the next chapter of your life.

We’ll cover 10 essentials for safety, storage, organization, and more. Read on to see if you have everything you need for a stress-free move.

1. Moving boxes


First and foremost, you’ll need some moving boxes. Buy cardboard moving boxes from a reputable seller, such as a moving company, grocery or liquor store, or an office-supply store. This is something you don’t want to skimp out on, because you want these boxes to be sturdy and resilient. If you use old or subpar boxes, they’re more likely to break—and that’s something you don’t want to happen in the middle of your move.

Buy a variety of boxes so that you can fit different belongings in each of them. For heavier items like books, you’ll want smaller boxes, ideally less than 12 inches. Save the bigger boxes for large, bulky items. For glasses, mugs, and other fragile belongings, try using boxes with partitions in them.

2. Box cutter


A box cutter is an essential tool for any move. You’ll need one when unpacking, but even in the middle of packing up your belongings, you never know when you might need one to re-open a box to add a few more items. Just be careful, and cut with caution: The last thing you want to do is cut yourself—or cut your belongings!

3. Packing tape


Up your packing game with some quality packing tape. Don’t settle for the cheapest tape available, as it tends to rip and tear, creating more of a hassle than the couple dollars saved are worth. Treat yourself to good-quality, standard packing tape, and while you’re at it, spend a few extra dollars to get a tape gun or two: You’ll thank yourself later.

If you like, you can also buy some masking tape to use as labels for your boxes and belongings.

4. Labels and markers


When you’ve moved into your new place, the last thing you want is to have to go sifting through all your boxes looking for the essentials. That’s why it’s important to stay organized and label every box you pack. Write down the contents of each box on the top or front, and organize your boxes by room or category. If you’re using cardboard boxes, you can write directly on the outside of the box. If you’re using reusable plastic boxes or another alternative, buy some pre-made labels or use masking tape.

5. Cushioning

Bubble Wrap

You’ll want at least one or two types of cushioning to protect your fragile belongings. Here are four options:

  • Packing paper: Packing paper is great for wrapping up sharp objects and dishware. Use plenty of layers to provide extra support and cushion. Instead of packing paper, you can also use blank newsprint, but avoid anything with ink, like newspaper, as the ink can bleed, staining your belongings.
  • Bubble wrap: Use bubble wrap as an extra layer of protection for glass and porcelain. You can also use it to fill up space in boxes so your belongings won’t rattle around.
  • Furniture padding: Furniture pads are thick coverings used to cover large pieces of furniture and protect them from getting scratched. Also known as moving blankets, furniture pads can be rented or purchased.
  • Foam sheets: Foam sheets are thin polyethylene sheets that you can use to wrap delicate objects. You can also stack them between objects—such as plates and bowls—so they don’t smack against each other. All in all, a worthy purchase.

6. Scissors


Your standard set of scissors is a must-have in any household. They’re also a must-have when you’re packing. You can use them to cut tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, and any other packing supplies you’ll be using. Keep a pair close at hand.

7. Basic toolkit

Tool Kit

Keep a toolkit with everything you’ll need to remove screws, pull out nails, and disassemble shelves and furniture. Your mileage may vary depending on the size of your home, but at the bare minimum, we recommend a hammer, Allen key set, screwdriver set, set of pliers, and crescent wrench. If you’re moving furniture, you’ll also want a measuring tape so you can check that everything will fit through the door. If you plan to do some drywall patching, invest in a putty knife.

8. Stretch wrap

Stretch Wrap

Stretch wrap is a versatile, valuable tool to keep your belongings safe and secure. You can use it as a final layer of protection for boxes, furniture, and anything else you need protected. You can also use it to keep drawers on dressers and nightstands closed, so you don’t have to worry about them falling out while moving them.

9. Garbage bags

Garbage Bags

Keep several garbage bags on hand for any last-minute clean-up jobs. You can use them to throw away trash, sure, but you can also use any extras to pack any odds and ends, like pillows or linens.

10. Resealable bags

Resealable Bags

Resealable bags are great for storing small items like jewelry or screws and brackets. Keep all your hardware in sorted, sealed bags so you won’t have to rummage endlessly for it in your new place.

You can also use large, vacuum-sealed bags to store clothes more efficiently.

Your Packing Supply Checklist:

  • Moving boxes
  • Box cutter
  • Packing tape
  • Labels and markers
  • Cushioning
    • Packing paper
    • Bubble wrap
    • Furniture padding
    • Foam sheets
  • Scissors
  • Basic toolkit:
    • Screwdriver(s)
    • Hammer
    • Measuring tape
    • Putty knife (if needed)
  • Stretch wrap
  • Garbage bags
  • Resealable bags

For More Expert Packing Help, Turn to Inner City Moving

Need more top tips and expert moving assistance? Inner City Moving has you covered. We are Toronto’s leading local moving company, and we provide a complete range of services and products to help our clients make the most of their move. If you’re in the Toronto area, don’t hesitate to take advantage.

We offer a wide range of packing supplies to make your move easier and less stressful. Call us today at 647-308-0695 to get a quote.


Happy New Year!

As I set out on what is already turning out to be a busy year, I am reflecting on all the individuals, families, and companies I have served in my many years running a professional moving company. This morning I did a back-of-the-envelope calculation and determined I have done over ten thousand moves. Yes. TEN THOUSAND.


Paul Genus is in the Genius Zone

Respected human behaviour researcher, Malcolm Gladwell, wrote in his book Outliers that “ten thousand hours is the magic number of greatness.” So, I’m starting 2021 in the genius zone. I am a humble man, but I cannot help but be proud of the proof by numbers that Inner City Moving & Storage is one of the best moving companies in the Greater Toronto Area.

It is easier to work with companies who are experienced, especially when you are dealing with moving all your belongings from one place to another. You don’t want anything to go wrong in such a transaction. And our expertise came from doing 10,000 moves.

Malcolm Gladwell’s Words of Advice

As Gladwell writes, although it appears that success for some companies, influencers, and/or celebrities, comes overnight, in most cases, what came before is hours and hours of practice. Thus, when they jump on the scene and they become an “overnight success,” if you look at their history, you’ll find that magic 10,000 hours of practice/experience behind them. One of the examples Gladwell uses is the Beatles, one of my favourite bands. Hamburg, Germany had a great music scene, and while there, the Beatles played a countless number of eight-hour gigs, becoming a tight team; they learned to work well together. Before they “invaded” America and became successful beyond imagination, they had already had over 10,000 hours of practice.

Gladwell didn’t base his statement of 10,000 being the “magical number” on just one study. He studied elite performance in a great number of fields, including hockey and technology. Bill Gates and Microsoft’s emergence as leaders in computing are not true miracles. His parents thought his interest in coding was important and they encouraged him to follow his interests through enrolling him in a unique school in his hometown in Seattle. Other towns did not have such a school. He took that opportunity and spent a lot of time becoming the expert he was. You know how much time? Over 10,000 hours. So, when he was ready to take Microsoft to the global stage, he was already an expert. It was not some God-selected one-of-kind miracle. His success was due to his devotion, passion, and the time he dedicated to learning his craft.

Persistence and Process Brings Great Business Results

But becoming an expert requires good business practices. At Innercity Moving, we are definitely good at moving goods in the most safe and efficient way. When you are wondering how to get that odd shaped, huge, couch out of your tiny townhouse living room, we have done the same thing for many other families. You don’t have 10,000 moves behind your belt; that’s why you
rely on our expertise.

I also make sure that I hire people with the stamina to do the job. It is not easy keeping the pace going to ensure your move goes well, then waving good-bye to you, happily ensconced in your new home, to drive to a new client’s home to do the same thing again. But we do.Whether your move takes two hours or eight, we keep going to make sure your move is completed as quickly as possible. And how can we make sure we do it as well as our testimonials say we do it? It is based on our history of having done over 10,000 moves.

Business success also depends on being experienced. Our movers are protected by the right types of insurances, both based on government requirements as well as on the best-practice of the moving industry. You want to trust that if something we’re to go wrong, and hey—over 10,000 moves, unsurprisingly, we’ve had a small percentage which did not go as planned—that you and your movers are protected. Inner City Moving has WSIB and carries over two million in liability insurance. One would hope that newer movers are properly set up, but the reason you know that Inner City Moving is properly run, is that we can boast of lasting over twenty-five years and having conducted 10,000 moves.

A Family Business Built to Last

With a new year, we all set new goals and resolutions. What are yours? If you run a business, I am sure you are also heading into 2021 expecting to do better than you did last year, just as when you are employed, you are looking forward for an annual pay increase. Here at Innercity Moving, we are not only expecting a higher growth rate, but we are also planning to increase both the number of moves we do and to build in efficiencies which will increase our profit. Ours is a business set to last for another twenty-five years.

Inner City Moving and Storage is a family business, and my sons also work with me. I am hoping that one of my daughters, who is only sixteen now, but who intends to study marketing, will know she has a home here with Inner City Moving. As I start 2021, I feel in my heart that one of my descendants will be starting the year with a similarly great message in 2121!


So, when you choose to move with Innercity Moving, you know I am building a business that for my great-great-grandchildren. You don’t do that without having the integrity and desire to serve others so the word spreads. The best form of business is repeat business and business that comes from word of mouth. Thus, we go into each move expecting to bring excellent service. We depend on our good name to keep us busy. And because we have the desire to be around a long time, you can know that we will be there when you need our help again.

As I look back, I can think of small moves and big moves and especially of customers I see again and again. I moved a woman and her son from a lovely home on Bathurst Street back in 2001. Just before Christmas last year, that’s almost 20 years later, she called me to move a couch from her home to a charity to which she had  donated it. I remembered her and that surprised her. And that’s because each of those 10,000 moves was as important as the other, whether big or small.

Beatles of the Moving World?

When the Beatles made their first appearance in North America, on the gilded stage of the Ed Sullivan Show in early February, 1964, they burst into the music world with a fire that was never seen before. It’s debatable if anyone else immediately changed the state of music fandom since (although my daughter would state that her favourite band, BTS, is bigger than the Beatles). They learned how to do things the right way and so when they performed so well on the Ed Sullivan show that day, and subsequent shows afterwards, it was not really a surprise that they had found the right mix. They had been working together, perfecting their processes, for 10,000 hours.

And that is the same for us at Innercity Moving and Storage. When we come in and help you through a move, we reduce your stress as we know what we are doing. We’ve done this over 10,000 times. And we value you and your situation as if it were our first and only move. And thus, we treat you, not like you are one of 10,000. We give you the result of our experience. So, it is like having the Beatles serenading you in your living room. But first you have to have the
Beatles of the moving world set that couch up for you.

To all the past and future clients of Inner City Moving, I wish you a safe, happy, healthy, and prosperous 2021. We look forward to serving many of you well.


Smoothing Your Move with the Help of Professional Packers

If you’ve completed a move in the past, you know that packing up your belongings and unpacking them on the other end is perhaps the most tedious and time-consuming part of the process. While it’s not impossible to pack up your belongings yourself, hiring professional packers could save you a whole lot of time and hassle. If you’re considering outsourcing the packing process, we’re here to shed some light on the many benefits and what you can expect from hiring professional packers.

When Does it Make Sense to Hire Professional Packers?

The bottom line is that hiring a trusted professional packing company will make any move easier. There are, however, certain circumstances in which hiring packers is incredibly convenient, such as:

If You’re Disabled

Packing is very physical work. If you suffer from chronic pain, joint problems, mobility issues, or if you struggle to stand and bend over consistently, hiring a professional packer might be the best choice.

If You’re Moving Before Your Items

If you are moving long-distance, you will sometimes end up moving yourself and your household before moving your belongings. Instead of coming back to pack everything up, consider hiring packers. A packing team will pack the items in your home securely and ensure they get to your new location in perfect condition.

If You’re Moving on a Tight Schedule

Perhaps the most dreaded part of packing is just how much time it takes. If you need to move out of your home or office space in a hurry, it’s best to hire a packing team. When you do, a job that would sometimes take days is completed in a few short hours.

If You’re Just Too Busy

Do you have kids? Do you work a demanding job? Do you own a business? Do you have other commitments? There are so many reasons why packing may not fit into your schedule, and that’s when hiring packers might be the best option.

What to Expect from a Professional Packing Team?

Ok, hiring a professional packing team may sound very convenient, but what can you actually expect from hiring packers? What are the real benefits of this investment? There are many – let’s take a look.

Save Time

This may seem very obvious, but it shouldn’t be overlooked – hiring a packing team could mean the difference between packing for weeks and spending just a few hours. Homeowners may start packing their belongings long before their scheduled move because they have other responsibilities – before you know it, you’re digging through half-packed boxes searching for your can-opener or favorite shoes. While you may get distracted coming across long-lost belongings while packing, a professional will get everything boxed up without delay.


While most of us pack and unpack our belongings once in a blue moon, professional packers do it regularly. They have extensive experience and will complete packing and unpacking effectively and efficiently – ensuring that every item is packed safely in the right box.


Another great benefit to hiring packers is they will carefully pack and protect fragile items. While you may be tempted to toss everything in a box, professional packers will make sure your belongings are secured and safely transported perfectly from one location to the next.


When you hire packers, gone are the days of scrounging the neighborhood for cardboard boxes or packing garbage bags. A packing team will show up with professional, trusted materials, including packing boxes, packing tape, packing peanuts, packing paper, and bubble wrap.


Perhaps the most significant benefit to hiring a professional packing company is keeping your move organized. Not only will a team of professional packers pack your belongings with care, but they will do so in an orderly fashion. Most professional packing companies will pack each room separately and label exactly what is in each box. If you have another method by which you’d like your items packed, be sure to discuss it with your movers – most will be happy to accommodate your request.

Things to Do Before Your Packing Day

If you’re choosing to hire packers, you’re in for a treat. Hiring professionals will truly revolutionize your moving process, but there are a few things you need to do before moving day.

For starters, be sure to purge your belongings. It is not the job of packers to help you sort through your junk and decide what is coming and what is going – that’s something you should do on your own. Purging your belongings and preparing your space adequately will ensure that the packing process is fast and hassle-free.

It’s also essential to ensure that your transportation is prepared. In most cases, if you’re hiring packers, you’re also hiring a moving van but making sure these details are in place will make the day go smoothly.

Lastly, be sure of where each box is going on the other end. While spaces like kitchens and basements are easy to locate, don’t expect your packing team to know what bedroom little Timmy has claimed. It’s also a good idea to clean and remove any unwanted items from the space. Most packing teams will be happy to help you unpack, build furniture, and situate your belongings when there is room to do so.

Experience the Difference Professional Packers Make

While hiring a professional packing team is not as cheap as doing it yourself, it’s an investment that is often worth the extra money. Whether you struggle with your mobility, if you lead a busy life, or if organization is not your strong suit – professional packers are sure to make your life a lot easier.

Trusting an expert will work to ensure that your belongings are safely and effectively packed up, relocated, and unpacked in an orderly and timely fashion.

Does this sound like the kind of move you can get behind? Inner City Moving & Storage Company would love to be of service. Our professional packing team has the skills and resources to make your move seamless – and we’re but a phone call away.

Reach us today for more information!


House Moving: The Ultimate Checklist [2020]

You don’t need us to tell you—moving is stressful business. Everyone knows it. But if you’re on this page, chances are you know that stress first-hand.

Luckily for you, we’ve developed a handy checklist to make your move a little less stressful. There’s no universal right way to move, but there are a whole lot of wrong ways to do. Today, let’s take a look at some of the essentials you’ll want to keep in mind to save yourself time, stress, and worry.

In this blog post, you’ll learn when to start packing up, when to hire movers, and when to finalize your move.

Bonus: At the end of this post, you’ll find a detailed checklist you can print out to keep track of your moving schedule. Read on to learn more!

2 months before you move:

  • Sort through your belongings. Get a head-start by going through all your items and figuring what you’ll keep and throw away. This is a great opportunity to make a list and create an inventory of everything you’ll be moving.
  • Identify unwanted items. Think about what items you’ll be discarding. Can you donate any of them? Can you sell them in a garage sale? Now’s the time to take note.
  • Hire a moving company. Give yourself plenty of time to hire a moving company. Especially during peak periods, moving companies can be very busy, so be sure to book well in advance. If you’re in the Greater Toronto Area, contact us, and we’ll give you a no-obligation quote.
  • Contact your doctor, your children’s school, and insurance agents. You’ll want to tell them ahead of time that you’ll be moving, so go ahead and do it now.
  • Order packing supplies. You can order boxes, packing papers, and packing tape either online or from your local brick-and-mortar. It’s a good idea to get them early so you can take your time packing all your belongings.

1 month before you move:

  • Measure your furniture. Make sure your furniture will fit in your new place—not to mention through the door.
  • Donate unwanted items. Have some clothes you don’t want? Old furniture or gadgets? Consider donating them to a local charity.
  • Organize a garage sale. If you think you might make a few bucks off some items, why not organize a sale out of your garage? It might take a bit of effort to plan and put up flyers, but you might rake in some good money.
  • Rent a storage locker (if necessary). If you’re downsizing or moving temporarily, you might want to consider renting a storage unit. For Greater Toronto, don’t hesitate to ask us about our storage services!
  • Pick up your packing supplies. Make sure you have tape, boxes, and newspaper or packing paper. You’ll want it now, because next…
  • Pack rarely used items. Now’s a good time to pack away any items you won’t be using. Trinkets, knick-knacks, and seasonal gear are all good candidates—anything you won’t miss for the next month.
  • Label boxes. Finalize inventory. Now that you’ve started packing, you can start organizing your belongings into boxes. Make sure you label everything that’s packed. And be descriptive. All too often, people label their boxes with generic titles, and they’re left guessing what’s in each box when they’re trying to unpack.
  • Contact your utility providers. It’s a good idea to contact your phone, Internet, and heating providers ahead of time so they can update your address in their systems. That way, you can have a smooth transition from one home to the next.

2 weeks before you move:

  • Confirm your moving appointment. A few weeks before you move, check in with your moving company to confirm the date and time. It’s just a good idea to make sure everything goes smoothly on moving day.
  • Notify your work. Request time off (if necessary). Tell your work two weeks in advance of your move. They can then update your address in their system. You should also give them notice if you need time off to manage your move.
  • Clean rugs, drapes, and carpets. Now’s a good time to handle some of the more intensive cleaning, so you don’t have to rush it at the eleventh hour. Rugs, drapes, and carpets shouldn’t experience too much wear and tear over the next few weeks, so you can clean those first.
  • Clean your freezer and pantry. Start working through all that extra food you have. Check your freezer and pantry and see if you can start using up some of their contents.

1 week before you move:

  • Finish packing. Other than the necessities you’ll need for the next week, make sure all your belongings are packed up and ready to go. Don’t forget to label them!
  • Pack a personal bag. Your personal bag should include basic toiletries, a change of clothes, your phone charger, and any other things you’ll need handy. You’ll want to keep this bag beside you during the moving process. That way, should anything happen to the rest of your belongings, you’ll at least have on-hand what you need most.
  • Disconnect and clean large appliances. Your stove, fridge, deep freeze—any of those big bulky appliances will need to be cleaned out before you move. Space it out, so you don’t have to rush yourself.

A few days before you move:

  • Confirm with your moving company. We know you already confirmed once, but do it again anyway, just in case you got your wires crossed or something. You’ll thank yourself for that extra peace of mind.
  • Get the keys to the new place. Enough said.
  • Disassemble furniture. Now that you’re just about ready to move, it’s time to take apart your furniture so it can be moved quickly.
  • Finish packing, cleaning, and discarding. The last few days, you’ll want to do several sweeps of your home to make sure you have everything packed and cleaned. If you have any leftover food, consider donating it to your neighbors or a local shelter.

Need House Movers? We’re Here to Help!

Looking for more tips? Need help with moving? Inner City Moving & Storage is here for you. We offer a complete range of moving services for clients across the Greater Toronto Area. With years of experience, we’ve earned a stellar reputation as the city’s most trusted moving company. Prompt, efficient, and experienced—consider us the go-to choice.

If you’re in the Toronto area, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 647-308-0695 to request a quote for our services. We’re here to help!

Moving Checklist


Preparing for a Move: Tips to Make Your Relocation Easier

Packing up and moving your home or business to a new location is rarely a simple process. However, there are some things you can do to help ensure a smooth experience when moving day arrives. In addition to hiring a dependable moving company such as Inner City Moving & Storage Company, we would like to go over some useful tips to ensure nothing is overlooked during your relocation.

Start your planning early.

Once you know that you have a move on the horizon, the best thing you can do is start getting things organized as soon as possible. We recommend contacting a professional moving company at least a few weeks before your moving date to ensure that their schedule is clear and book their services. Working out the details of your job early will help you prevent getting stranded on your move out date and will make sure you aren’t rushing at the last minute to get things in order.

Make yourself a moving checklist.

With so many things to account for during a move, it can be easy to forget a few things. Inner City Moving & Storage Company suggests creating a list of everything that you need to take care of before moving day arrives. This will help you avoid easy mistakes and help you stay on track during the weeks prior to your move.

Create a system for organizing your belongings.

By implementing a system when packing up your things, you can prevent misplacing items during transit and make things easier on yourself when you reach your new location. Go through your current property and group similar items together before packing them in moving boxes. It also helps to create an itemized list of the things that you are packing and what box they are in. This will help you avoid digging through multiple boxes trying to find something once you start to unpack.

Get rid of anything you don’t need.

Changing properties is a fantastic opportunity to downsize and clear up some space. If, while packing up your belongings, you come across items that you no longer have any use for, consider selling them, giving them away, or even throwing them out! This will not only make your load lighter on moving day but will also help you maximize your new space once you move in.

Use the right packing supplies.

Don’t wait until the day before you move to realize that you don’t have the proper containers to transport your items. Start collecting moving boxes early and learn how to correctly pack any tricky or fragile items to avoid damage during transit. A sure-fire way to guarantee that all your things are packed correctly is by hiring a full-service moving company. Inner City Moving & Storage Company can provide you with a range of moving boxes and supplies designed to make your life easier.

Or, take things a step further by using our professional packing and unpacking services and let us take care of everything!

Transfer utilities before you relocate.

You can also guarantee a seamless move by switching all your billing and services to your new location beforehand. We suggest getting your electricity, gas, and water payments set up for your new property before moving in to prevent any downtime or delays. This is also true for things such as your internet and TV service. By taking care of this before you move in, you can make sure your new location is fully operational as soon as you arrive.

Hire an insured moving company.

Although working with professional movers is a great way to ensure a smooth experience, things don’t always go as planned. For this reason, we recommend finding a fully insured moving company to help with your job. At Inner City Moving & Storage Company, our trustworthy team of movers has a solid history of successful moves, but if anything unexpected happens during your relocation, you can breathe easy knowing that your investment is completely protected by our insurance policy.

Prepare any major appliances beforehand.

If you are moving any big appliances such as a fridge or freezer, it is important to make sure they are ready to be transported. These items should be cleaned out and defrosted well in advance to ensure that they are safe to be moved. In addition to this, you might also need to hire a professional to disconnect any appliances that are connected to a gas line.

Find a place to store any extra items.

If you are not moving into your new location the same day as you move out or have some items that don’t fit into your new space, you should look into renting a storage space. To ensure the utmost convenience for all our clients, Inner City Moving & Storage Company is proud to offer convenient storage services in addition to our reliable moving. If you would like to know more about how we can safeguard your belongings, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information.

Do your research.

Not all moving companies offer the same quality of work. Instead of hiring the first movers that you come across, it makes sense to put in extra time to find a company that you can feel confident in. Read reviews, check credentials, and find companies that offer free quotes to help guarantee you are working with movers that will meet your needs. Keeping that in mind, Inner City Moving & Storage Company takes pride in being a trusted moving company in Toronto for many years now. We will be happy to address any questions or concerns you might have and tell you everything you need to know about our services.

Ready for Moving Day?

Book Our Movers Now

By following these guidelines, you should be able to avoid any hang-ups on moving day. We strive to make your relocation a hassle-free experience and provide a service that you can depend on. If you have any questions about these tips or would like to inquire about hiring our moving company, get in touch with us today for more information.


My worst and best move ever

Sometime ago in the 90s we moved a very battered lady from a apartment downtown Toronto to a relatives house in superba. Poor lady was battered by here husband badly, black eye, swollen jays, a real mess. How ever we moved her to somewhere safe.

A few days later I got a call from a man asking where I took his wife. Realizing it was the wife beater. I pause, choke up not knowing what to say, I took a minute, compose myself. Got back on the phone, yes we moved that lady somewhere in the country don’t I have an address but I could drive you there for a fee of course.

We negotiated a fee and I pick him up from the same apartment building at about 10am the next day. This was in January and the winter was bad. It was so cold that morning my little toyota could not keep us warm enough.

I insisted He pay me first, he hesitated but paid up. I headed up the don valley and keep going till the highway ended. All this time he was trying to convince me how much he loves his wife. Made me sick. I pull up into a new subdivision. It was so cold that morning none of the construction workers came to work . the place was deselate.

I drive around till i found a house that was occupied and a car in the drive way. That’s the house I said to him, there thats where we left her. He looks at me confused, Why did she come here he said. I look at him and pull my shoulders, Ha I don’t know man, Im just the mover. He sat for a minute unsure of what to do next. At this point I just wanted him out of my car.

The only way to know is to knock on the door, I know this but said nothing, let him figure it out for himself. Finally he said to me, please don’t leave. Of course not I said. he opened the door and step out leaving a bag he had behind.

I watch as he fights the cold wind walking up to the house ring the doorbell. Wating, wating, then a older woman opened the door. they talk for a minute, he turned look at me realizing he’s been had, I reach over wind the window down as he approaches the car, I through his bag out, gave him the finger and drive away.

This was the time before internet, He called me up with empty threats. Told him if he ever called me up again I was going to report him to the police, that was it never heard back from him.